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Giving Back

Giving back and sharing profits is paramount to us. It’s about giving something back in return for the help you previously got from the community. We all depend on each other's participation in society for our success and well-being. In today's world, it just makes sense. It's saying that you want to live in the kind of world where people do things like that for each other.

cambio roasters giving back

A signature element of Cambio Roasters® caring capitalism structure is to contribute 20% of profits to coffee-farming families. We feel strongly about doing our best to make the most profound impact we can and are committed to having a positive impact on each other, our community and the environment.

Additionally, at the office, we believe that leadership is being more than just a boss looking over your shoulder. In fact, we'd much rather involve our employees by creating work environments that allow them to feel appreciated and encourage them to thrive. We believe in employee engagement, transparency and personal growth, while ensuring we make time for what's most important - whether that means family, health or volunteering in the community. 

cambio roasters giving back to farmers

Our Partnership with Food 4 Farmers

Most coffee-farming families live well below the Global Poverty Line of $1.90 per person per day. Reliance on income from coffee has left them struggling to put healthy food on the table, year after year. At the same time, a flood of cheap, processed foods has left families malnourished and prone to chronic health issues like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

That’s why we support Food 4 Farmers. We believe coffee-farming families and their communities should have access to nutritious food every day. Food 4 Farmers works with coffee-farming families who are now leading the way to healthier communities, by creating thriving local food hubs, diversifying income, and farming sustainably to promote biodiversity and ecosystem resiliency. Learn more and join us in contributing to healthier people and planet at


Food 4 Farmers Partner Profile

Name: Alma Emperatriz Yalánda
Role: Coffee Farmer
Cooperative: COMEPCAFE, Colombia

Alma is a coffee farmer in the village of Siberia and a member of our partner co-op COMEPCAFE. Tragically, Alma lost her daughter a few years ago and became responsible for her two grandchildren, and three other children whose mothers had to leave to find work in larger cities. Alma wasn’t sure her small onion garden and her limited income from coffee would be enough to feed her household. Luckily, she heard about the Food 4 Farmers food security program, so she joined. With the vegetable seeds and community promoter visits to her farm, she established a diverse garden right at home.

Today, Alma’s garden has its own irrigation system and is thriving, with a rich variety of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets, spinach, chard, cilantro, garlic, onions, medicinal plants, and aromatic spices. Alma says, ”now we have varied, healthy, fresh food every day!” The garden also helps her save money, since she doesn’t need to buy so much food now. She’s also learned how to make organic fertilizers and separate waste, and to prepare and store food safely. For Alma, the program has helped her overcome some big obstacles, and she hopes this initiative will grow to include more farming families. 

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"With the bees we are happy again, because they have given us the hope of getting better." – Ana Cordoba Ostuna

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