Now available in select Walmart stores and on Walmart.com

Every Cambio purchase of $40 or more helps clean our oceans 🌊

our story

meet the team

image of kevin


Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist 

Why Cambio: The fact is that this "art project" is trying to make a huge difference for people and the planet. I love that we assembled a "dream team" to create a brand that consumers can feel amazing about while helping change the world one delicious cup at a time. This is the single biggest project of my life. 

My daily cup: I've been obsessed with coffee since my first construction job at age 15 at 4:30 am. Today, it's a huge part of my daily ritual and I probably shouldn't reveal how much I drink!  

Outside of work: What’s that now? Outside of work? With any free time I’m able to find, I love experiencing life with my family and Ann. Oh, and I don't hate the occasional sunrise on the beach, just sayin'.  

image of ann


Co-Founder and Customer Advocate 

Why Cambio: I left corporate life to build on my desire to give back in a meaningful way, and create a business where people feel appreciated, challenged and are making a difference. Cambio does all of this and helps me to grow, both personally and professionally. 

My daily cup: We're somewhat new friends! I've become much more of a coffee lover after starting Cambio. While I used to drink coffee occasionally, Cambio's delicious light roast coffees have become my must-have morning motivation.  

Outside of work: I’m a high-energy person who loves people and staying active. I enjoy spending time with my kids and family, taking long walks, hiking and biking, as well as volunteering at Community Outreach centers, and traveling whenever I can get away.

image of mike


Execution Tsar 

Why Cambio: I love bringing innovation to market. Cambio has a culture of innovation, not only through products, but also as a triple bottom line business - showing that doing the right thing is actually good business. And I get to do this with an amazing, driven team. 

My daily cup: I am a big time coffee drinker, and super picky about what I choose to enjoy every morning, but I tend to like darker roasts – sometimes a shock to people who prefer a nuanced lighter roast (I’m looking at you, Lindsey!). That being said, I like trying different single origins to learn more about their differences and how that can impact blends. 

Outside of work: I’m an avid musician and music producer who loves spending time in my home studio. I’m also an avid boater and amateur sailor, as well as a foodie and wine enthusiast. Oh, and I’m hilarious. 

image of rick


Head of Innovation 

Why Cambio: I love working for a company with a values-driven mission and culture, which provides an amazing opportunity to do good things for coffee farmers and planet. Cambio allows me to be creative and collaborative – taking on some unique challenges, while also having fun with people I enjoy and respect.  

My daily cup: I enjoy coffee every day and have for 90% of my life. While I am not a coffee "snob", good quality, taste, and consistency are important to me. I believe coffee farmers deserve a fair shake. 

Outside of work: I enjoy family time, traveling, skiing, boating, bicycling, motorcycling and gardening, but I can usually be found puttering / restoring / inventing things in my workshop. 

image of blaine


Supply Guru 

Why Cambio: Cambio Roasters is very innovative. I know every company says that, but this is a place where actions truly speak louder than words. We don’t say no to new ideas; we say why not! 

My daily cup: I started drinking coffee in New Orleans in the 1980s. Cold brew was very popular there, and I still make my own cold brew coffee throughout every summer. 

Outside of work: Sometimes I just can’t help but bring my work home. I have a 12 year old coffee tree that I started from a seed I brought back from a trip to Nicaragua, which I enjoy nurturing and growing at the same time as I watch Cambio grow.

image of dave


Brand Genius

Why Cambio: I love that Cambio has a passion for keeping plastic out of our oceans, so the world is a little cleaner for our kids. The contributions this company is trying to make to the world is not an afterthought – it’s the thought. 

My daily cup: I LOVE LOVE LOVE coffee. All coffee. I drink it every day, both regular and decaf. I think people should drink whatever kind of coffee tastes good to them. For me, that means very dark, charred and earthy. Some people might even call it burnt, but I like it anyway. 

Outside of work: I’m always busy hanging out with my kids, going for long bike rides, volunteering at Boston-area schools, seeing live music, watching baseball games, doing geeky technology things.

lindsey from cambio roasters smiling at the camera


Coffee Curator 

Why Cambio: I've long admired Kevin's creative spirit and infectious passion for integrating quality, form, and function and knew he would assemble a team that could make the next generation of single-serve coffee revolutionary, meaningful and FUN! 

My daily cup: Coffee and I go waaaaay back and it's been a long and joyful friendship. Coffee has introduced me to some of the most beautiful places on the planet and to a global community that engages with the world in the spirit of curiosity, honesty, trust and respect (I know it sounds cheesy, but I like cheese, too...) 

Outside of work: Get me outside! Whether on two feet, two wheels, under paddle or under sail, being in the open air is my source of inspiration and renewal.

image of holly holding cambio coffee


Fulfillment Master

Why Cambio: I wanted to work for Cambio Roasters because of Ann and Kevin’s ingenuity, their desire to have a positive impact on our environment and their caring and giving nature. Plus, I love a great cup of coffee!

My daily cup: I have a very busy lifestyle and drink coffee throughout the day. Watching the sun rise, with a dog on my lap and at least two cups of  Cambio coffee is the best start to the day.

Outside of work: I spend as much time as I can on the beach. I love looking for seashells, swimming in the ocean and reading a good book under the shade of an umbrella. I just learned to paddle board and I love exploring the creeks and waterways.